is it lame to comment on your post when you're in the next room? if so, i'm just lame. i want you all to know that i just asked avee if she loved her aunt emily, and she very tenderly replied NO!
NCS - it's Vietnamese and SOOOOOO good - noodle soup to end all noodle soups. Pho.
Incidentally, they have restaurants here that are called, "Pho 75" and "Pho 79" etc., usually based on what year the restaurant owner came to the US from Vietnam. I think it would be AWESOME if it was also the price of all their pho - "4.75."
I'm impressed that you make your own pho at home. Haven't found a recipe I like and I have a favorite place here that also does magnificent peanut sauce so that's where I get my pho. I don't look as cute slurping it down my chin and peeking over the edge of the enormous bowl as A does, though.
This post also made me want to throw a tantrum because I still don't have my camera back!!!!!!
What the? I had no idea what on earth that sweet child was eating/drinking. I thought maybe she collected the bowl from outside after the sprinklers went off. I don't mean to be needy, but first you start using words so big I had to use the dictionary and now no worrds at all. Can't we come to some kind of compromise?
Just for the record... I tell that little tidbit about your metro area - Pho 75 and whatnot. I tell it because I still laugh about it 3 years after hearing you tell me about it.
It never gets ANY laughs. People just don't understand
phoo on you i want some, ya know her friends are going to talk about HER:)
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, October 02, 2006 4:53:00 PM
ps this doesn't appease me I need TXT.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, October 02, 2006 4:55:00 PM
is it lame to comment on your post when you're in the next room? if so, i'm just lame. i want you all to know that i just asked avee if she loved her aunt emily, and she very tenderly replied NO!
ps. that meant YES
Posted by
Emily K. |
Monday, October 02, 2006 4:57:00 PM
I'm mexican plus I don't speak Aveesh, what is it?
What ever it is, she looks adorable as usual.
Posted by
Super Happy Girl |
Monday, October 02, 2006 7:02:00 PM
NCS - it's Vietnamese and SOOOOOO good - noodle soup to end all noodle soups. Pho.
Incidentally, they have restaurants here that are called, "Pho 75" and "Pho 79" etc., usually based on what year the restaurant owner came to the US from Vietnam. I think it would be AWESOME if it was also the price of all their pho - "4.75."
I'm impressed that you make your own pho at home. Haven't found a recipe I like and I have a favorite place here that also does magnificent peanut sauce so that's where I get my pho. I don't look as cute slurping it down my chin and peeking over the edge of the enormous bowl as A does, though.
This post also made me want to throw a tantrum because I still don't have my camera back!!!!!!
Posted by
Code Yellow Mom |
Tuesday, October 03, 2006 10:03:00 AM
What the? I had no idea what on earth that sweet child was eating/drinking. I thought maybe she collected the bowl from outside after the sprinklers went off. I don't mean to be needy, but first you start using words so big I had to use the dictionary and now no worrds at all. Can't we come to some kind of compromise?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, October 03, 2006 12:47:00 PM
I was WONDERING what that was, I was getting a little scared for a minute...
Angela you better stop taking pictures of your cutie-pies or I might I have to hitch hike to Texas and hug them up.
Posted by
Erica |
Tuesday, October 03, 2006 2:03:00 PM
OK, I have seen Vietnamese restaurants named "Pho" this and "Pho" that (my favorite being "Pho-Thon" which is really fun to say).
I learned something new today :D
Posted by
Super Happy Girl |
Tuesday, October 03, 2006 7:00:00 PM
Just for the record... I tell that little tidbit about your metro area - Pho 75 and whatnot. I tell it because I still laugh about it 3 years after hearing you tell me about it.
It never gets ANY laughs. People just don't understand
Posted by
Big Jay |
Wednesday, October 04, 2006 6:04:00 PM
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