Logging Hours
15: Hours Avee slept last night
4: Days we have been sick
5.3: Hours I've spent in the bathroom those last 4 days
12: Number of times I've taken each of my children's temperatures
0: Things I've done around my house
5: People who hand delivered Valentine treats to our door yesterday. (Holy moly I say!)
12: Number of days it feels like this week has had already.
4: Times that I have said, "If you don't stop ___________ I am going to throw up all over you.
3: Times that I've actually meant it.
7: Phone calls I've made to J for absolutely NO REASON but to let him hear my poor miserable sick self
1: Times that Benja has said, "Do you like my new shirt? UPS gave it to me."
23: Hours before J gets home
722: Number of times I have looked at my son this week and thought, "Could you possibly get any cuter!?"
5: Days (at least) before I will blog anything of substance
Yours Truly
4: Days we have been sick
5.3: Hours I've spent in the bathroom those last 4 days
12: Number of times I've taken each of my children's temperatures
0: Things I've done around my house
5: People who hand delivered Valentine treats to our door yesterday. (Holy moly I say!)
12: Number of days it feels like this week has had already.
4: Times that I have said, "If you don't stop ___________ I am going to throw up all over you.
3: Times that I've actually meant it.
7: Phone calls I've made to J for absolutely NO REASON but to let him hear my poor miserable sick self
1: Times that Benja has said, "Do you like my new shirt? UPS gave it to me."
23: Hours before J gets home
722: Number of times I have looked at my son this week and thought, "Could you possibly get any cuter!?"
5: Days (at least) before I will blog anything of substance
Yours Truly
Boo, and here I thought you were either enjoying your RL too much to blog.
Stop with the sickiness Angela!
Posted by
Super Happy Girl |
Thursday, February 15, 2007 10:28:00 AM
HOW DOES NCS do that! Its like the people on ebay that steal your purchase at the last minute. I do hope you feel better, I will be sending a box of Clorox instead of Ben&Jerry's! A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, February 15, 2007 11:28:00 AM
I feel for you, I really do.
Feel better soon.
Posted by
Code Yellow Mom |
Thursday, February 15, 2007 3:06:00 PM
You know what, I was sick a couple months ago, and I'm totally offended that you would blog about it. Hmph. I'm never commenting again.
Posted by
Millie |
Thursday, February 15, 2007 4:02:00 PM
You poor thing! I just assumed that you were busy enjoying your life of leisure. I do hope that you feel better soon!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, February 15, 2007 8:11:00 PM
20: People that read your blog, leave comments, and love it.
8721: People that read your blog, don't leave comments, but love it still!
I hope you guys feel better soon! :)
Posted by
Suzanne |
Friday, February 16, 2007 4:41:00 PM
I'm almost afraid to sit at my computer, because I think the bloggers are passing it to eachother. Get Well Soon!
Posted by
Carrot Jello |
Saturday, February 17, 2007 8:42:00 AM
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