Well, a couple of days ago my friend Epsi sent me an email that made me laugh heartily. Of course, I immediately forwarded it to a dozen more people, as though I were the creative genius behind it.
The responses I have gotten have all made me laugh. My sister simply wrote, "I beg to differ" and added three pictures of herself, which had obviously JUST been taken outside her house with the digital camera. She's posing sexily in front of a tree, accessorizing with a scarf. They were funny, but they were TWICE as funny because she is VERY pregnant and clearly having trouble with the more seductive leg bend and back tilts. But that certainly didn't stop her from trying.
Other responses I got:
Thank you for the warning. I will greatly miss your good looking and sexy self.
Not only are you dang good looking....but humble!
AAAAHHHHH!...oh wait, only the sexy people? yep, I'm safe.
Is this before or after your Oregon trip? Thank you for thinking of me, you will be missed. Good luck, I hear the anal probes are a beast.
And then my mother. She's 71. Shouldn't she have a diminished capacity by now? Of any kind? I mean, she can still peel and chop a carrot faster than I can do the same with a cuisanart. She can whip through 17 loads of laundry in one day and make it look like she barely handwashed some delicates and hung them to dry. She can find anything you need at any time for any purpose. Usually in her purse or tied to a string in her kitchen. She can make a pair of SAS shoes, hot pink pants, hot pink turtle neck with purple cardigan, and 3 chained eyeglasses around her neck look way cuter than I could ever try to be in my finest clothes and accessories. *Sigh* Above all, she's still the cleverest of them all.
Her response to my email:
I made the mistake of telling my mom on the phone, "Your response took the cake mom." She gloated aloud and then bragged to my sister who was sitting nearby. I heard my sister swear and I knew my mom was in gloaters gloating heaven because she didn't even tsk at her.
But I will. S, watch your mouth. At least you have potential for when you're 71.
Your email took me so by surprise - I can't believe you don't think I'm sexy - that I was floored. Every time I looked at it, I thought, could this be real?
Sorry I didn't answer it. :)
Posted by
Millie |
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 9:07:00 PM
I should know better than to eat while reading your blog.
What were you eating you may ask, good question, I was eating jell-o at the moment, so you can imagine how that went.
So Teh Funnay runs in your family. He he, your mom’s response was definitely the best :D
PS: your Sis is bringing the "sexyback' yo!.
Posted by
Super Happy Girl |
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 9:35:00 PM
Man that is funny. Tell your mom to send me some funny pills or something b/c I need a major overhaul.
Posted by
Big Jay |
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 10:09:00 PM
I did love your mom's but I think that the one about the anal probes was edited. I know my wife, and she can be, well, colorful in her language.
Anonymous for Relief Society sake
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, November 16, 2006 1:19:00 AM
Your mom is the only grown person I know that I would like to bottle up as much as I would my own children - she is priceless! Super funny.
Posted by
Code Yellow Mom |
Thursday, November 16, 2006 6:07:00 AM
What a fun family you have! See, this would never work in my family because no one takes teasing well. If I sent that e-mail out, there would be feelings hurt and bad feelings for years about it.
Your mom is a hoot! :)
Posted by
Suzanne |
Thursday, November 16, 2006 12:12:00 PM
I just have to say I was a good healthy tie and NOT showing the picture is NOT fair. Another thing, mother has stepped up her humor to a side split laughter conversation several times a day. She is really cranking them out right now. CYM is right she needs to be bottled and NCS don't read on a full bladder either or when the whole house is sleeping.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, November 17, 2006 4:10:00 AM
This brings back traumatic memories of when Morris Day and The Time used to call out to us from their song, "The Bird", that this dance was only for the "SEXY PEOPLE." What? Only for the sexy people? But as a geeky white girl, I only knew how to dance the Bird, and The Hokey Pokey. How could Morris Day discriminate like that?
I like your Mom. She should replace that old bag, Joan Rivers, on the red carpet.
Posted by
elasticwaistbandlady |
Friday, November 17, 2006 11:17:00 AM
For whenver you read this:
:) <---this is me last night.
You are so totally awesome.
That's all.
Posted by
Super Happy Girl |
Saturday, November 18, 2006 1:16:00 PM
For whenever you read this:
:D <---this is me last night, even when you beat me up.
You are super duper awesome.
That's all.
Posted by
Super Happy Girl |
Sunday, November 19, 2006 6:31:00 PM
For whenever you read this:
(__Y__) This is me, sitting with you at the restaurant, watching you drool on yourself and cracking up.
I miss you already.
Posted by
Millie |
Monday, November 20, 2006 10:55:00 AM
I found your blog from Millie's page. Oh, my, goodness! I haven't laughed so hard in quite a while! I'm definitely coming back.
Posted by
Sister Pottymouth |
Monday, November 20, 2006 3:03:00 PM
LOL! The funny competition is hard in your family...
Posted by
Sketchy |
Monday, November 20, 2006 5:07:00 PM
I ran across your blog from my friend at laughed so hard in my cubicle I scared some of my officemates. Thanks for the chuckles!
Posted by
The Roaming Southerner |
Monday, November 20, 2006 8:22:00 PM
Your mom sounds like a lot of fun! My mom was wickedly clever, too (she passed away in 2004). I always think of what a fabulous blog she could have had!
Posted by
Blogger profile name |
Monday, November 20, 2006 8:31:00 PM
I found your blog from Millie's page.
That Millie is sure naughty ain't she?. Naughty naughty, bet she got that from the one that goes by CYM.
Posted by
Super Happy Girl |
Monday, November 20, 2006 11:02:00 PM
And I miss you more.
I look like this right now:
:( <-----Me, missing you.
Ha! top that Millie.
Posted by
Super Happy Girl |
Monday, November 20, 2006 11:03:00 PM
Your family is great! I love that they didn't just laugh and forward the joke on, they replied and made it even funnier! Your sister posing by a tree is cracking me up! Your mom is great!
(I read about you a Millie's. I read about you at NCS. I feel like I am stalking you. Sorry!)
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, November 21, 2006 11:06:00 AM
I do not like Millie, I do not like CYM, I do not like NCS I do not like them first, I do not like them funnier, I do not like them stealing my sister I do not like them S I am:) Call home I mean me:)
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, November 21, 2006 3:15:00 PM
S: I'm just happy you mentioned me last. This tells me you like me a little bit more than the other two :)
I'm not trying to steal your sister, I'm trying to borrow her. Forever.
Which is very different see?
Posted by
Super Happy Girl |
Friday, November 24, 2006 1:12:00 AM
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